Child & Family Development - Global


“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” -Nelson Mandela

Of all regions, sub-Saharan Africa has the highest rates of education exclusion. Over one-fifth of children between the ages of about 6 and 11 are out of school, followed by one-third of youth between the ages of 12 and 14. According to UIS data, almost 60% of youth between the ages of about 15 and 17 are not in school. (Statistics provided by Unesco)

The goal of 4-Good International is to be that bridge between need and opportunity. The need in Africa for proper access to quality education is great and we believe through strategic community partnerships throughout Africa that we can provide greater access to all levels of education. The goal is to accomplish this vision through the development of schools in various communities as well as individual educational sponsorship for secondary education such as high school and University.

Workforce Development

The average household size in Sub-Saharan Africa is 6.9 people per household, which was the largest household size worldwide according to statista.

On top of largest household size in the world 41% of the overall population is living on $1.90 per/day.

When you combine large swaths of Sub-Saharan Africa having little to no education, large family sizes, and little resources it is the perfect combination for extreme poverty. At some point the poverty cycle needs to be broken. We believe the mechanism to help end the cycle of poverty is through workforce and small business development. Though education in many adult communities may be sparse we believe every individual has been uniquely created with talents and passions.

The goal of 4-Good International is to bridge the gap between individual’s talents and access to resources for legitimate workforce and small business development. In order to access workforce and small business opportunities in poverty-stricken areas of the world 4-Good International will come alongside individuals to help them fish for a season (small business capital, ideation, discipleship, and so much more), but our purpose and our goal is to teach those individuals how to fish for a lifetime leaving behind a generational impact!

Family & Community Health

According to the IFC (International Finance Corporation) health care in Sub-Saharan Africa remains the worst in the world, with few countries able to spend the $34-$40 a year per person that the World Health Organization considers the minimum for basic health care.

Based on the research in a new report, IFC estimates that over the next decade $25-$30 billion in new investment will be needed to meet Africa’s health care demand.

With numbers so staggering accompanied with an incomprehensible number of preventable deaths occurring every year in Sub-Saharan Africa where does one begin? The answer is to begin one person at a time. One person leads you to one family which leads you one community and maybe one nation and who knows what could be possible from there.

The vision that 4-Good International has is to simply provide life-saving access to health insurance in Africa. For example, in Ghana, Africa the annual rate for health insurance is between 7.2 GhC ($0.95) for the “very poor” to 48 GhC ($6.00) for the “very rich.” In Ghana alone roughly 30% of the total population does not have health insurance which means about 10 million people are uninsured. The majority of those 10 million people would fall into the “very poor” category. It is often the “very poor” that face the most drastic consequences from a lack of proper medical care and die deaths that in any other context would be preventable.

4-Good International would love to dream about medical clinics in the future, proper HIV/AIDs care and testing, access to maternity care and so much more. Until then we will continue to take small steps that we are confident will lead to big change and many lives being saved!

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